Chief Executives

Top 27 CEO Work Activities: Decisions, Communication, Strategies

Ceo Work Activities Of A Serious Asian Sitting At Desk In Office Looking At Camera, Boss.

Are you fascinated by the inner workings of an organization and the pivotal role of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)? Do you wonder what it takes for a CEO to navigate complex business landscapes, make critical decisions, and lead teams to success?

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the work activities that define the role of a CEO, with a special focus on decision-making, problem-solving, and communication strategies. Whether you aspire to become a CEO or seek to gain insights into effective leadership, join us on this journey as we unlock the secrets to mastering the art of being a CEO.

At the helm of an organization, a CEO plays a multifaceted role that requires a diverse set of skills and competencies. Let’s explore the key work activities that define the daily life of a CEO, along with their importance scores that the majority of CEO’s are already doing or have already mastered.

Decision-Making Mastery: Choosing the Best Solutions

🎯Importance Score: 94

As the pinnacle of an organization, CEOs face a multitude of decisions and problems that require astute analysis and resolution. They are skilled in analyzing complex information, evaluating outcomes, and determining the best course of action. The ability to make informed decisions is crucial for CEOs to guide their organizations toward success amidst an ever-changing business landscape.

How can CEOs enhance their decision-making prowess and problem-solving capabilities?

CEOs employ various decision-making models, such as rational decision-making or intuitive decision-making, depending on the situation. Rational decision-making involves a systematic approach, where CEOs gather relevant data, evaluate options, and make logical choices. On the other hand, intuitive decision-making relies on their experience, expertise, and instincts to arrive at swift decisions.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs must analyze information and evaluate results to make well-informed decisions.
  • They employ rational or intuitive decision-making models depending on the situation.
  • Successful CEOs strike a balance between data-driven insights and intuition.

Strategic Information Acquisition: Gathering Insights for Informed Decisions

🎯Importance Score: 93

CEOs thrive on a steady stream of accurate and up-to-date information. They actively seek relevant data from a variety of sources to gain insights into market trends, competitor strategies, customer preferences, and internal operations. By staying well-informed, CEOs can make informed decisions and adapt their strategies to meet changing circumstances.

How can CEOs ensure they obtain comprehensive and accurate information?

CEOs gather information through multiple channels, such as market research reports, industry publications, networking events, and internal reports. They are adept at leveraging technology to access real-time data and analyze it to gain a competitive advantage.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs actively gather information from diverse sources to stay updated and well-informed.
  • They utilize technology and data analytics tools to access and analyze real-time information.
  • A continuous flow of accurate information empowers CEOs to make effective decisions.

Effective Communication: Supervisors, Peers, and Subordinates Aligned

🎯Importance Score: 93

CEOs are skilled communicators who excel at conveying their vision, strategy, and expectations to supervisors, peers, and subordinates. Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful leadership, fostering trust and collaboration within the organization.

How can CEOs enhance their communication abilities?

CEOs communicate in various forms, including written communication, such as emails, reports, and memos, as well as verbal communication through face-to-face meetings, presentations, and video conferences. They adapt their communication style based on the audience, ensuring clarity, transparency, and engagement.

They understand the importance of active listening. They encourage open dialogue, actively seek input and feedback, and foster an inclusive and supportive communication culture. By maintaining strong communication channels, CEOs can align their teams, resolve conflicts, and drive organizational success.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • Effective CEOs are skilled communicators who convey their vision, strategy, and expectations.
  • They adapt their communication style based on the audience and emphasize clarity and transparency.
  • CEOs encourage open dialogue, actively listen, and foster an inclusive communication culture.

External Communication: Representing the Organization with Impact

🎯Importance Score: 90

CEOs not only communicate within their organization but also act as representatives of their company to external stakeholders. They engage with customers, clients, investors, government officials, and other external sources to build relationships, promote their organization’s interests, and enhance its reputation.

How can CEOs excel in external communication?

External communication can take various forms, including meetings, conferences, public speeches, media interviews, and social media engagement. CEOs effectively convey their organization’s value proposition, address concerns, and seize opportunities for collaboration or strategic partnerships. By maintaining strong external relationships, CEOs expand their network, gain market insights, and open doors for growth.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs represent their organization and engage with external stakeholders to build relationships.
  • They employ various communication channels to convey the organization’s value proposition.
  • Strong external relationships provide CEOs with market insights and growth opportunities.

Team Development: Building Strong and Collaborative Teams

🎯Importance Score: 89

Successful CEOs understand the significance of developing high-performing teams. They actively foster an environment of trust, respect, and cooperation among team members. By nurturing a positive work culture, CEOs empower their teams to achieve exceptional results and drive organizational success.

What are the key strategies for CEOs in developing and building effective teams?

CEOs play a vital role in team development by recruiting top talent, providing mentorship and guidance, and promoting diversity and inclusion. They identify and leverage each team member’s strengths, create opportunities for growth and development, and encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing. By investing in their teams, CEOs cultivate a talented workforce that is motivated, engaged, and aligned with the organization’s goals.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs create an environment of trust, respect, and cooperation within their teams.
  • They recruit top talent, provide mentorship, and promote diversity and inclusion.
  • Investing in team development leads to a motivated and high-performing workforce.

Motivating Subordinates: Guiding and Inspiring Team Excellence

🎯Importance Score: 89

CEOs play a crucial role in guiding, directing, and motivating their subordinates. They provide clear direction, set performance standards, and monitor individual and team performance. By inspiring excellence, CEOs ensure that their organization operates at its full potential.

How can CEOs effectively guide, direct, and motivate their subordinates?

CEOs establish a shared vision and purpose, communicate goals and expectations, and provide feedback and recognition. They motivate their subordinates by recognizing their achievements, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, and empowering employees to take ownership of their work. Through effective guidance and motivation, CEOs inspire their teams to exceed expectations and achieve outstanding results.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs provide clear direction, set performance standards, and monitor performance.
  • They inspire excellence by establishing a shared vision and purpose.
  • Effective guidance and motivation empower teams to achieve exceptional results.

Strategic Objectives: Setting Long-Term Goals for Success

🎯Importance Score: 88

CEOs are responsible for developing long-range objectives and crafting strategies that align with the organization’s vision and mission. They possess a strategic mindset and a deep understanding of the industry and market dynamics. CEOs analyze market trends, competitive landscapes, and internal capabilities to identify opportunities and challenges.

What are the best practices for developing objectives and strategies?

CEOs work closely with their leadership team to develop strategic plans that outline the organization’s goals, initiatives, and resource allocation. They consider factors such as risk management, innovation, and sustainability when formulating strategies. Additionally, CEOs monitor the implementation of strategies, track progress, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure the organization stays on the path to success.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs develop long-range objectives and strategies that align with the organization’s vision.
  • They analyze market trends and internal capabilities to identify opportunities and challenges.
  • Monitoring the implementation of strategies and making adjustments ensures organizational success.

Interpersonal Relationship Building: Fostering Trust and Collaboration

🎯Importance Score: 88

CEOs understand the importance of establishing and maintaining constructive and cooperative relationships with others. They cultivate positive interpersonal relationships with employees, stakeholders, and partners, fostering collaboration and trust.

What are the key strategies for establishing and maintaining strong interpersonal relationships?

CEOs prioritize relationship-building by actively engaging with individuals at all levels of the organization. They demonstrate empathy, respect, and openness to diverse perspectives. By investing time and effort in maintaining relationships, CEOs build a strong network of support, loyalty, and goodwill, which can be crucial in times of change or crisis.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs prioritize building constructive and cooperative relationships with others.
  • They engage with individuals at all levels of the organization and demonstrate empathy.
  • Strong interpersonal relationships foster collaboration and support.

Resource Monitoring: Ensuring Efficiency and Optimal Resource Utilization

🎯Importance Score: 86

CEOs are responsible for monitoring and controlling resources within the organization. This includes overseeing budgeting, financial management, and resource allocation to ensure optimal utilization.

What are the key strategies for CEOs to effectively monitor and control resources?

CEOs establish mechanisms to monitor the spending of money, track resource allocation, and evaluate return on investment. They analyze financial data, identify areas for improvement, and make strategic decisions to optimize resource allocation. By effectively managing resources, CEOs enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and support the achievement of organizational goals.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs monitor and control resources to optimize utilization and reduce costs.
  • They analyze financial data and make strategic decisions to optimize resource allocation.
  • Effective resource management enhances efficiency and supports organizational goals.

Quality Assessment: Evaluating Excellence in Objects, Services, and People

🎯Importance Score: 84

CEOs possess the ability to judge the qualities of objects, services, or people accurately. They assess the value, importance, or quality of various aspects related to their organization’s operations, products, or services.

How can CEOs enhance their judgment skills in evaluating objects, services, or people?

CEOs make critical judgments when evaluating potential business opportunities, partnerships, or investments. They assess the quality and suitability of products and services to meet customer needs and expectations. Furthermore, they evaluate the qualities of individuals during the hiring and promotion processes to build a talented and high-performing workforce.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs have the ability to assess the value and quality of objects, services, or people.
  • They make critical judgments when evaluating business opportunities and partnerships.
  • Assessing quality supports decision-making and fosters organizational success.

Data Analysis Mastery: Extracting Insights for Informed Decision-Making

🎯Importance Score: 84

CEOs excel in analyzing data or information to extract meaningful insights that inform their decision-making process. They possess strong analytical skills and employ various techniques to identify patterns, trends, and correlations.

How can CEOs master the art of analyzing data or information to extract valuable insights that drive informed decision-making?

CEOs leverage data analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, customer behavior, and organizational performance. They use tools and technologies to process and interpret data, enabling them to make data-driven decisions that contribute to the organization’s success.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs have strong analytical skills and analyze data to extract meaningful insights.
  • Data analysis enhances understanding of market dynamics and customer behavior.
  • Data-driven decisions support organizational success.

Conflict Resolution: Negotiating Solutions and Preserving Relationships

🎯Importance Score: 82

CEOs possess strong conflict resolution and negotiation skills. They handle complaints, settle disputes, and resolve conflicts to maintain a harmonious work environment.

How can CEOs navigate conflicts effectively and negotiate successfully?

CEOs approach conflicts with a focus on finding win-win solutions and building consensus. They employ effective communication, active listening, and problem-solving techniques to navigate challenging situations. Additionally, CEOs negotiate with external stakeholders, such as vendors or partners, to secure favorable agreements that benefit the organization.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs possess conflict resolution and negotiation skills.
  • They seek win-win solutions and build consensus in conflict situations.
  • Effective negotiation skills contribute to successful outcomes.

Compliance Evaluation: Ensuring Adherence to Standards and Regulations

🎯Importance Score: 81

CEOs play a crucial role in evaluating information to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards. They possess a strong sense of ethics and integrity, driving them to uphold responsible and lawful practices within the organization.

What are the key considerations for CEOs in evaluating compliance with standards?

CEOs evaluate information, events, or processes to determine compliance with relevant standards. They establish policies and procedures to promote ethical conduct, monitor adherence, and address any deviations promptly. By prioritizing compliance and ethical practices, CEOs safeguard the organization’s reputation and mitigate risks.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs prioritize compliance with laws, regulations, and ethical standards.
  • They establish policies and procedures to promote ethical conduct.
  • Upholding ethical practices safeguards the organization’s reputation.

Identifying Key Elements: Categorizing and Recognizing Critical Objects, Actions, and Events

🎯Importance Score: 80

CEOs possess the ability to identify key elements by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in critical objects, actions, and events. This skill allows them to gain a comprehensive understanding of their organization’s operations, industry trends, and market dynamics.

How can Chief Executives leverage advanced technologies, and data analytics, to enhance their ability to identify objects, actions, and events?

CEOs categorize information and data to identify patterns, trends, and insights that can inform their decision-making process. They recognize critical objects, actions, and events that have significant implications for the organization’s success. By detecting changes in circumstances or events, CEOs can adapt their strategies and plans accordingly.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs categorize information and data to identify patterns and trends.
  • They recognize critical objects, actions, and events that impact the organization.
  • Detecting changes allows CEOs to adapt strategies and plans effectively.

Work Planning and Prioritization: Organizing for Efficiency and Goal Achievement

🎯Importance Score: 80

CEOs excel in organizing, planning, and prioritizing work to ensure efficiency and productivity. They develop specific goals, strategic plans, and timelines to guide the organization’s activities.

What are the best practices for CEOs in organizing, planning, and prioritizing work?

CEOs break down complex tasks into manageable components, assign responsibilities, and establish clear deadlines. They prioritize work based on strategic importance, resource availability, and critical timelines. By effectively organizing and planning work, CEOs optimize productivity and maximize the achievement of organizational objectives.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs organize, plan, and prioritize work to optimize efficiency.
  • They break down complex tasks and establish clear deadlines.
  • Effective organization and planning drive productivity and goal achievement.

Tech Proficiency: Leveraging Computing Power for Enhanced Productivity

🎯Importance Score: 80

CEOs are adept at working with computers and utilizing technology to enhance their productivity and decision-making process. They leverage various hardware and software tools to access information, analyze data, and communicate efficiently.

How can CEOs leverage technology to streamline processes, enhance productivity, and gain insights for strategic decision-making?

CEOs use computer systems for tasks such as programming, data entry, information processing, and software utilization. They stay updated with technological advancements and adopt innovative solutions that can drive organizational growth and competitive advantage.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs leverage technology to enhance productivity and decision-making.
  • They utilize computer systems for tasks such as data analysis and communication.
  • Staying updated with technology supports organizational growth.

Knowledge Utilization: Staying Updated and Applying New Insights

🎯Importance Score: 77

CEOs understand the importance of continuous learning and staying up-to-date with relevant knowledge. They actively seek opportunities to expand their skills, expertise, and industry insights.

How can CEOs cultivate a culture of continuous learning within their organizations?

CEOs engage in professional development activities, such as attending conferences, participating in industry associations, and pursuing advanced education. They also encourage their teams to embrace a culture of continuous learning, fostering innovation and adaptability within the organization.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs prioritize continuous learning and staying up-to-date with relevant knowledge.
  • They engage in professional development activities and seek industry insights.
  • A culture of continuous learning supports innovation and organizational adaptability.

Information Interpretation: Translating Meaning for Effective Communication

🎯Importance Score: 77

CEOs possess the ability to interpret complex information and convey its meaning to others effectively. They translate technical data or concepts into accessible language and provide insights that guide decision-making.

How can CEOs become masters of interpretation, effectively communicating valuable insights to inspire and guide their teams towards success?

CEOs distill complex information into clear and concise messages, ensuring that stakeholders can understand and act upon it. They employ visual aids, presentations, and storytelling techniques to communicate insights in a compelling and engaging manner.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs interpret complex information and communicate its meaning effectively.
  • They use clear and concise language and visual aids to convey insights.
  • Effective communication of information supports decision-making.

Efficient Data Processing: Compiling, Analyzing, and Synthesizing Information

🎯Importance Score: 76

CEOs possess strong information-processing skills, enabling them to manage and analyze large amounts of data effectively. They compile, code, categorize, and verify information to extract valuable insights.

How can CEOs effectively process and manage information to make informed decisions that drive organizational success?

CEOs use various techniques, such as data analytics and information management systems, to process and organize data. They ensure data accuracy, integrity, and security, allowing for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs possess strong information-processing skills.
  • They employ data analytics and management systems to process and analyze data.
  • Effective information processing supports informed decision-making.

Team Coordination: Facilitating Collaboration and Task Management

🎯Importance Score: 73

CEOs are skilled in coordinating the work and activities of others within the organization. They facilitate collaboration, allocate resources, and ensure that teams work together cohesively.

How can CEOs enhance their coordination skills to foster productivity and collaboration?

CEOs establish workflows, set expectations, and provide guidance to enable effective collaboration and efficiency. They encourage teamwork, delegate tasks, and monitor progress to ensure that objectives are met within established timelines.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs coordinate the work and activities of others to facilitate collaboration.
  • They establish workflows, set expectations, and provide guidance.
  • Effective coordination supports efficiency and goal achievement.

Talent Development: Coaching and Fostering Growth in Others

🎯Importance Score: 73

CEOs prioritize the coaching and development of others within the organization. They identify individual strengths and areas for improvement, provide feedback, and offer mentorship and guidance.

How can CEOs effectively coach and develop the talents of their team members?

CEOs support the professional growth of their team members by providing opportunities for learning, skill development, and career advancement. They empower individuals to reach their full potential, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs prioritize the coaching and development of their team members.
  • They provide feedback, mentorship, and opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Nurturing talent contributes to individual and organizational success.

Cultivating Creativity: Encouraging Innovation and Fresh Perspectives

🎯Importance Score: 72

CEOs possess the ability to think creatively and encourage innovation within the organization. They actively seek new applications, ideas, and relationships that can drive growth and competitive advantage.

How can CEOs foster a creative environment and leverage innovative thinking to gain a competitive edge?

CEOs foster a culture that values creativity and encourages employees to contribute their innovative ideas. They create platforms for brainstorming, experimentation, and collaboration, empowering their teams to think outside the box and drive organizational innovation.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs think creatively and encourage innovation within the organization.
  • They foster a culture that values creativity and welcomes innovative ideas.
  • Encouraging innovation drives organizational growth and competitiveness.

Strategic Staffing: Building Effective Organizational Units

🎯Importance Score: 68

CEOs are involved in staffing organizational units by recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and hiring top talent. They understand the significance of building a skilled and diverse workforce.

CEOs actively participate in the recruitment process, collaborating with HR teams and hiring managers to identify talent needs, create job descriptions, and conduct interviews. They assess candidates’ qualifications, cultural fit, and potential contributions to the organization, making strategic hiring decisions that align with the organization’s goals.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs are involved in recruiting and selecting top talent.
  • They collaborate with HR teams and hiring managers to identify talent needs.
  • Strategic hiring decisions support organizational success.

Process Monitoring: Ensuring Smooth Operations and Quality Assurance

🎯Importance Score: 67

CEOs monitor and review information from processes, materials, or surroundings to identify and address problems or improvements. They ensure that operations run smoothly, resources are utilized efficiently, and quality standards are met.

What are the key strategies for CEOs in monitoring processes and surroundings?

CEOs assess key performance indicators, analyze process efficiency, and implement measures to optimize productivity. They stay vigilant to changes in the business environment, industry trends, and emerging technologies, allowing them to make timely adjustments and drive continuous improvement.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs monitor processes, materials, or surroundings to identify improvements.
  • They optimize productivity, stay updated with industry trends, and drive continuous improvement.
  • Monitoring ensures efficiency and quality in organizational operations.

Influencing Skills: Persuasion Techniques for Positive Outcomes

🎯Importance Score: 67

CEOs possess persuasive communication skills and the ability to influence others. They utilize these skills to convince others to adopt their ideas, support organizational initiatives, or change their behaviors.

What are the key strategies for CEOs in selling or influencing others effectively?

CEOs employ effective persuasion techniques, such as storytelling, logical reasoning, and appealing to emotions, to engage and inspire stakeholders. They understand the power of persuasive communication in driving action and achieving organizational objectives.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs possess persuasive communication skills and influence others effectively.
  • They utilize storytelling, logical reasoning, and emotional appeals to engage stakeholders.
  • Persuasive communication drives action and supports organizational objectives.

Expert Consultation: Providing Guidance for Informed Decision-Making

🎯Importance Score: 66

CEOs provide guidance and expert advice to management and other groups within the organization. They draw upon their knowledge and experience to offer insights and solutions to complex problems.

How can CEOs effectively provide consultation and advice to others?

CEOs act as trusted advisors, providing consultation on technical, systems, or process-related topics. They contribute their expertise to strategic planning, risk management, and decision-making, ensuring informed and effective outcomes.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs offer guidance and expert advice to management and other groups.
  • They provide insights and solutions to complex problems.
  • Sharing expertise supports informed decision-making.

Quantitative Estimation: Gauging Characteristics for Planning and Evaluation

🎯Importance Score: 65

CEOs possess the ability to estimate quantifiable characteristics such as sizes, distances, quantities, time, costs, resources, or materials. They employ strategic forecasting and planning techniques to make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively.

How can CEOs improve their estimation skills to drive success?

CEOs analyze historical data, market trends, and industry forecasts to estimate future outcomes and anticipate potential challenges. They utilize these estimates to develop strategic plans, allocate resources, and make informed decisions that drive organizational success.

🔑Key Takeaways:

  • CEOs estimate quantifiable characteristics to inform decision-making and resource allocation.
  • They utilize forecasting techniques and analyze market trends for strategic planning.
  • Strategic forecasting supports organizational success.


As we conclude this comprehensive guide, it is evident that the role of a CEO encompasses a wide range of work activities and responsibilities. From nurturing relationships and influencing others to estimating, scheduling, and embracing leadership in public, CEOs must navigate the complexities of people, processes, and strategic decision-making.

By embracing a holistic approach to leadership, CEOs can create an environment that fosters collaboration, innovation, and employee well-being. By leveraging their understanding of diverse work activities and collaborating with subject matter experts, CEOs can drive operational excellence and create a thriving organization.


What is the role of a CEO?

A: The CEO, or Chief Executive Officer, is the highest-ranking executive in a company and is responsible for setting the company’s strategic direction, making major corporate decisions, and ensuring the overall performance of the organization.

What are the primary responsibilities of a CEO?

A: The primary responsibilities of a CEO include providing executive leadership, setting the company’s strategic direction, ensuring profitability, making major corporate decisions, and overseeing the performance of the organization.

What are the duties and responsibilities of a CEO?

A: The duties and responsibilities of a CEO may vary depending on the company and industry, but generally include providing executive leadership, setting the company’s strategic direction, making major corporate decisions, overseeing the performance of the organization, and representing the company as the face of the organization.

What is the CEO’s role in communication within an organization?

A: The CEO plays a crucial role in communication within an organization. They are responsible for effectively communicating the company’s goals, objectives, and strategies to employees and stakeholders, as well as fostering a culture of open communication within the organization.

What is the CEO’s role in decision-making?

A: The CEO is ultimately responsible for making major corporate decisions within an organization. They are tasked with analyzing information, consulting with key stakeholders, and making decisions that align with the company’s overall strategy and objectives.

What is the CEO’s role in setting the company’s strategic direction?

A: The CEO plays a critical role in setting the company’s strategic direction. They are responsible for assessing market trends, competitive landscape, and internal capabilities to develop and implement business strategies and plans that will help the company achieve its short-term and long-term objectives.

What is the CEO’s role in financial management?

A: While the CEO may collaborate closely with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), they have a responsibility to ensure the financial health of the organization. This includes overseeing financial performance, monitoring cash flow, and making strategic decisions that contribute to the financial stability and growth of the company.

What is the CEO’s role in human resources?

A: The CEO is responsible for establishing and maintaining a strong organizational culture and ensuring that the company has the right talent to achieve its goals. They may work in collaboration with HR professionals to attract and retain top talent, develop employee engagement strategies, and create opportunities for professional growth and development.

What are the key skills and qualities required for a CEO?

A: Some key skills and qualities required for a CEO include strong leadership abilities, strategic thinking, excellent communication skills, the ability to make tough decisions, adaptability, financial acumen, and the ability to lead and inspire teams.

How is a CEO’s pay determined?

A: The CEO’s pay is determined by various factors, including the company’s performance, industry standards, and the CEO’s level of responsibility. In publicly traded companies, CEO pay is often approved by the board of directors and may include base salary, bonuses, stocks, and other incentives.

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